Monday, October 31, 2011

Human Milk For Human Babies

!9# Human Milk For Human Babies

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Human milk is made for human babies: Breastfeeding is the natural continuation of pregnancy. Human babies are meant to receive their mothers' milk immediately after they are born, and for about the first six months of life, mothers' milk is all that babies need to promote normal, healthy growth and development. Breastmilk contains scores, even hundreds of factors that protect the newborn from illness and provide exactly the balance of proteins, healthy fats and sugars, and everything else the baby needs to continue the growth that began in the womb and produced the amazing little human being that he is at birth. A healthy newborn does not need anything other than his mother's milk; in fact, anything else given to the baby will change the perfect balance in his gut (intestinal tract) and will interfere with nature's provision of a perfect system to protect him from all of the bacteria and viruses that are present around him once he leaves the safety of the womb and comes into the world. Because of this, no formula, water or anything else should be given to the baby unless there is a medical reason for it.(AAP Policy Statement on Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk. (Source:;115/2/496). Supplements of water or formula given to the breastfeeding baby also "interfere with the mother to infant biology of breastfeeding," (A Woman's Guide to Breastfeeding, American Academy of Pediatrics, 2002, p. 11), and will result in the mother having a lower milk supply and the baby receiving less benefit from her milk.

Although formula companies want us to believe that their products come close to breastmilk, and they spend millions of dollars advertising the "new" components that they discover and add to an increasing number of formulas available, the truth is that breastmilk can never be duplicated. Breastmilk is a living, changing fluid. Each mother's milk contains antibodies to exactly the germs that she and her baby are exposed to in their own environment. As the baby grows, there are also changes that take place in the make-up of the milk that make it perfectly suited to the changing needs of the newborn, infant and toddler. Dr. Jack Newman, a leading expert in the breastfeeding field, states: "The differences between cow's milk and formula are much smaller than the differences between formula and breastmilk." (Newman, Jack, MD. The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers, Prima Publishing Roseville, CA: 2000, p. 13.) He goes on to say: "All pregnant women and their families need to know the risks of formula feeding. It does matter. All should be encouraged to breastfeed, and all should get the best support available start breastfeeding once the baby arrives." (Ibid.)

Why, if it is the natural way to feed a baby, does it seem so hard to breastfeed? Why do so many mothers try and fail? Why do so many pediatricians advise moms to stop breastfeeding and switch to formula at the first sign of trouble?

The American Academy of Pediatrics strongly recommends breastfeeding without giving the baby any other foods for the first six months, and that breastfeeding continue with the gradual addition of other foods in the second half of baby's first year. They recommend "that breastfeeding continue for at least 12 months, and thereafter for as long as mutually desired." (American Academy of Pediatrics Work Group on Breastfeeding, Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk, Pediatrics Vol 100 No. 6, December, 1997, p.1037)

In spite of this strong position on the importance of breastfeeding, many nurses, doctors and other health care providers do not have the specific training needed to adequately help mothers and babies who are experiencing breastfeeding difficulty. Often breastfeeding failure happens because hospital procedures in the hours and days after the baby's birth prevent the normal progression of lactogenesis (the process by which the mother's milk supply is established) or a misunderstanding of the newborn's feeding patterns leads to the early use of bottles and pacifiers in the absence of a medical need for such intervention. This causes subtle changes in the way the baby sucks, and makes some babies begin to refuse the breast and to prefer the very rapid flow of milk from the bottle. Even if a baby has had some bottles and has begun to show a preference for the bottle rather than the breast, it is not too late! Most young babies can learn to breastfeed effectively, and most mothers can establish a good milk supply with the right kind of help and support.

Board Certified Lactation Consultants have special training in helping overcome some of these breastfeeding problems. The earlier a mother gets help, the easier it should be to establish breastfeeding even if a mom and baby have a rough start and encounter problems in the beginning. Other good sources of help are La Leche League, a volunteer organization with chapters in most places in the USA and Canada, as well as in many other countries. In the USA, most local WIC offices have resources to help mothers who want to breastfeed their babies. Go to [] for a list of Certified Lactation Consultants in your area.

While it is ideal for mother and baby to be together so that baby can feed frequently during the day and night, many moms today face the reality of returning to the workplace within weeks of the baby's birth. It is entirely possible to provide your milk to your baby even if you must be separated for many hours of the day. Do not let the necessity of working outside your home rob you and your baby of this priceless gift.

Look for the information about pumping if you must be away from your baby and still want to provide him/her with your milk.

Breast-feeding is the gold standard for your baby!

"When researching the difference between human milk and formula, I discovered that there are over four hundred nutrients in breast milk that aren't in formula." said Dr. Frank Oski, former professor of pediatrics at Johns Hopkins University, as quoted by William and Martha Sears in "The Breastfeeding Book (Sears, William, MD and Martha Sears, RN, The Breastfeeding Book, Little, Brown and Co, Boston., 2000, p. 14.)

Human Milk For Human Babies

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Medela Freestyle Breast Pump

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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Breast Pump Reviews - Times That Call for the Use of a Breast Pump

!9# Breast Pump Reviews - Times That Call for the Use of a Breast Pump

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When you are making a list of all the things you need to buy for the upcoming birth of your baby, make sure that a breastpump is included in that list. A lot of people know that breast milk is the best nourishment you can give to an infant and no amount of formula could ever come close to the nutrients that come from breast milk. But sometimes, breast feeding can bring about some challenging scenarios that may not always leave you free to simply let your child suckle your breast. This is where the breastpump comes in.

Overcoming Breast Feeding Hurdles

The usefulness of the breastpump is highlighted over and over again in many breast pump reviews, but basically mothers are especially grateful to it for being able to address the challenges that come with breast feeding. A breastpump is especially useful when a lactating mother experiences engorgement. Basically, breast engorgement is when the breast gets too full of milk and it starts to overflow. While this is quite common for lactating women, it still gets painful at times. According to some breast pump reviews, mothers state this as one of the most common challenges of breastfeeding that makes them want to buy a breastpump ASAP. Some mothers even experience fevers. The only way to get relief from this pain is by breastfeeding more often than usual, expressing breast milk using your fingers or using a breastpump.

There are some cases mentioned in breast pump reviews wherein mothers end up having to take medication for various reasons after giving birth. The general rule is that mothers who are under medication are not allowed to breastfeed for a minimum of twelve hours. So as not to deprive the little one of breast milk, a breast pump comes in handy to express enough milk which the baby will drink for the duration of the "no breastfeeding" time frame.

Mothering at a Distance

After some time, mothers will eventually have to go back to work and resume their careers - but this is no reason not to stop providing breast milk to a baby. If you own a breastpump, you can simply pump and store enough milk for all the feeding times in a day. In the work place, you can even whip out a handy portable breast pump to express milk when you experience breast engorgement, providing instant relief as well as having a take-home bottle of milk for your baby in the evening.

And finally, reading a lot of breast pump reviews will also indicate that expressing milk is also one way that mother can ensure a baby will have the nourishment he or she needs while still being able to bond with the father. Breastfeeding can be very exhausting for a mother especially since the hours are not scheduled and she must be ready to get up at any time to feed a hungry tot. If a mother gets to express her milk through a breast pump, she can take her much-needed rest and allow the father to have his turn.

Breast Pump Reviews - Times That Call for the Use of a Breast Pump

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Monday, October 10, 2011

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